Letters to Dandelion Page 5
that is my only proof that I ever lived at all.
As my face, my voice, my stature,
my words, my deeds, my actions can
all be destroyed and forgotten, but
my blood is something that has never
been here on Earth, and never will
be here again.
It is all that I truly will ever own.
I wanted to write something to profound,
and so true, that everything had to fall in
line with the message.
So, with this combination of quill and this
special ink, I wanted to say,
I love you. I need you. I want you.
I live for you. I will grow for you.
I will care for you. I will die for you.
But, mostly, I’m so happy our paths crossed.
My beautiful, precious love.
My heart bleeds love for you.
I wanted to make you see, that my
words are more than just words.
My words are me, and I am my words.
And I love you – all from my heart.
It’s hectic
Like Magnetic
to catch a glimpse of you.
So eclectic, like electric
because my feelings are true.
Through the corner of my eyes, I spy,
as in a mirror your face.
So full of light, my source of might
providing flow of my spirit’s grace.
To you, I’m drawn as though the spawn
of nature’s instinct - well,
Smooth like the yawn to kiss the dawn,
preceding daylight’s swell.
With just a thought I hear the song to
match your humming breath.
The words you speak, seem like to sing
expelling joy beyond wealth.
How I look, just how I wish to just
to hold your hand and have us walk
along, a-talk-a-long-a playful plan.
To me you ere so well with care too
much in protecting your heart; with
that I’ve always looked at you and thought
you to be very smart.
But I know that there is gold untold behind those precious walls you protect,
and the more beautiful the prize that we try to hide, the higher walls we project.
So this is why I am still magnetic in the words
that I speak and yeah I know it sometimes makes
me seem like a big fat geek.
But I am caught in your hold not wanting to let go
and my feelings for you daily just grow and grow.
So, here I sit, still trapped in this
magnetic field being pulled towards you.
When I fold up in my wings
I know I can still bruise,
from the force of a rock,
that gets pelted through.
Hurled, by the evil of the
world. And no god ever
wants to help me.
But at least, inside, I can
feel warm and breathe as
I hug myself while trying
to convince me, that I
matter - at least to me.
And I have a place in life.
Because, when I spread
out my wings, I never
appear grand. I never
seem to be able to win
the hand, of who I love
at any given time.
Closed up in my little
home, it's raining, but
I wouldn't know. Cause
each feather, one set on
top of the other, allows
the rain to run over and
so, all I hear, are the
small pats of water.
drizzling on my head .
This is what it's like.
I only feel good around
me. I only feel calm
when I create it and I
only can provide my
own surety and peace.
Folded up, inside these
wings is home.
Through there's
love, room and safety
for four precious more.
Love me freely,
Really …
isn’t that the best way?
Ideally speaking, I’m always hoping
for you to come to the day, when
that’s a reality, to make me happy.
We’ve talked and both agree,
happiness is temporary and
comes from within.
So with so much practicality, between
us both, why can’t your heart I seem to win?
I’m not a trickster,
or a talker, or a player,
I’m not a loose cannon,
though you say I am J
I’m just deeply in love
with you.
I’m far from perfect, I struggle
daily and only have my skin to
offer. Not much I guess, in a
world glittering with gold and
duress, that walks hand in hand
like life and death.
Time. Time, travels by and it
makes me sigh, because I
realize, that this is time I
could have with you.
You playing with my face,
you singing your funny songs,
me watching you dance,
me loving you all night long.
Wishes and hopes, erode,
but not these.
Youth ages, nothing lasts forever,
but my words I water like plants
to bloom in my heart for you.
I reach for peace and love,
connectedness, togetherness.
Joy, discovery, placidity,
longevity, pleasure beyond
measure with you –
I can only put these words out there
and show you I care,
know you feel something for me
and hope like a stay of execution
that I will see you again.
I love you
And with my trust,
And with my sincerity,
all I can do, is ask you,
to consider loving me – freely.
I Hold her forever …
If we could both take a moment of time,
so I could wrap my arms around you,
press you close to my heart, that’s fine.
Feel your hands on my shoulders,
your breath express against my chest,
My legs pressed deeply into your contours,
so I can identify the softness of just your skin,
I would never forget our statue,
never erase this, our moment;
I hold her forever.
Whether it be an actual physicality,
or a memory, that energy, of having
my heart flow into you and yours
reciprocate into mine, identifies a
moment of time in when:
It felt so right,
and it became universally true,
those seconds were created for only
me and you, to come undeniably together.
So that all the bombs, bullets or armies of
the past, present and the future, could never
separate us, or take that away.
In those few moments, when I had
recorded your smile, twisted the sheets
in ecstatic release, or screamed your name
when I came.
I found you, in the open sea of existence.
It had to count for something, for from
nothing, could anything come so great?
And all I know, is that in those fleeting
seconds of time, I truly lived, even if I
am now dead – oh reader, I can attest
that I hold h
er forever.
The Dandelion
grows, from where, no one knows,
as it comes, then goes, on an often
long and lonely journey.
This flower, also a weed, tumbles
as it seeds, in the winds of time
and chance, while avoiding romance.
Upon happenstance of a field of
poppy-whites, the billowy joy that
they can bring to your eyes, and
a smile curves when you realize,
that they are more beautiful than
most flowers in the spring.
A Dandelion clings, to your clothes
and they separate when the autumn
wind blows, to spread their magic in
populace for a new crop to bloom.
They assemble in mass fashion,
a sort of family unification and
prove their dedication so often to
those who know them by the
resiliency that they show.
So hard to be rid of these dainty
little iron-willed flowers, so hard
to not admire, but I’ve never seen
a garden desired, as they are the
true odd-ball of all flora.
And I love her.
The real Dandelion.
I completely adore her.
The human Dandelion.
As I often wake to find, she is
somewhere and never near, yet
my memories and thoughts of
her, always remain the same.
The Tornado
Touches down and uproots trees,
destroys homes, flips over cars
like they were light as foil.
Nothing can measure its power.
No one can predict their arrival.
As they have often been called,
“The fingers of God.”
Their power is so immense and
yet so similar to the deep feelings
of love that I have for you.
It came when least I knew,
and it cleared so much of
a wide path to allow my
heart to start.
It makes me feel as though I can
do anything with you by my side.
And nothing would stand in my
way, to love you,
to protect you,
to understand you,
to honor you.
My love moves for you to keep
things original.
My love spins for you, to make
sure you are cared for in every way.
My love is a force for you that
even and especially, I, don’t understand.
But I know it’s there.
A Tornado is air, and pressure, and
the forces of nature way beyond our
And so is how I feel, deeply about you.
I love you.
When I see you, my heart spins,
my mind stretches and my happiness
When I touch you, all my senses come
When I kiss you, I go to another
But when I make love to you, I almost
near explode. (this you know.)
Many people fear and hate Tornados.
To me, they’re a strange, yet wonderful thing.
· The Chasm
· The Reach …
· The Reach – II
· Grave and Subtle Differences between a Man and a Woman
· She won’t pick me
· Most mysterious mystery
· It’s never returned and she never cries
· Nothing Romantic About the Pain
· Allow me something … Say anything … or am I nothing?
· I just don’t know …
The Chasm
From one side I can see the most beautiful woman ever, to me.
As far away as she is, everything there is to love about her I can see.
I can hear the soothing in her voice and match it to my scars.
I can watch her hands as she does simple tasks and envision them
touching me, caressing my back, holding my hand, reaching out
to me to offer her warmth in a body length embrace.
I can feel her whisper soft hair, brush against my face and smell
the buoyant fragrance of what makes her so alluring.
I can see the twinkle in her eyes as she seeks meaning inside my own.
I can feel the wisps of her breath against my nose in anticipation of
kissing her.
I can see the glisten of saliva on her lips, the limp preparation of her
I can skim the knots of her vertebrae as I glide my fingers down her back,
The softness of her skin, the press of her things against my own.
The awkwardness of turning my head, the electricity of our first kiss.
And then, from the other side, she walks away.
The reach …
Fell short,
as I lay on the beach,
catching my tan,
under the pecan sun.
It used to be fun,
as the world turns,
and my thoughts
would run,
but then I met
her and things
went out of focus.
Because she was
atrocious. Her life
scalpelled apart,
and not so surgically
so we can see the
splinters from each
dull axe strike.
Her eyes were so
tired, and her beauty
so contorted, like a
living Picasso,
weeping dry tears.
I offered my hand,
from the recreation
that my life might
have seemed, though
no one knows the
cobblestones I have
shattered my shins
and worn out my
Achilles Heels
My life, nor hers were
any fun, only when we
came together in a mix
of the dirty game we
played, could we laugh
and love and feel each
others naked skin
in the warmth of dreaming
that the other were a cloudy
pillow to fall asleep upon.
Sex? Oh Yes you fool.
Grow up and be an
adult, funny though
that seems to be the
target, but life somehow
walks us backwards, from
being inquisitive kids
who can sense turmoil
and trouble, and pour
their uneducated hearts
into trying to help,
rather than adults
who attack everything
with money and though
and logic and false
pretenses in defenses
of those who may be
defenseless, but smile
a sly crookedly snide
grin towards the efforts
of your undertaking.
I opened my palm,
with whatever I could
offer. My poems, my
time, my money, my
love, my understanding,
my patience (or little of.)
My suggestions, and my
often hidden tears, because
just as thoughts are things
and produce results, maybe
tears are the pocket change
to contain a notion for God
to finally get off his ass and
do something.
Maybe not.
As, in my poem – IF,
being its’ own dimension,
of places where sights are
unseen, thoughts are unprocessed
and words are gone unmentioned,
I forgot a fourth integer.
If, being also a place, where
the smallest door, can drape
and empty canvas, to which
may unfold a whole new picture
of life, onto which we both may paint.
Thus, as I opened my palm to
her, with what little I am and
what minute I have to offer, my
heart burst full of fuel enough
to take Her, I and her Children,
to a brand new world.
One of rest, success, Happiness,
laughter, love, security and
Why would I lie? When I have
already put it, right here, right
now, in writing for all of the
museum of life to witness.
Could the courts not use this decree?
To pursue the plan stated?
No need. I never planned to default
the deed of my love for her.
I extended my reach, before
her weary, yet Angelic face.
I offered my hand, with the